United States Department of State, Center for Health and Homeland Security, University of Maryland, Honorarium Speaker, 2013-current
Heather Shavitz, JD, Associate Director, hshavitz@law.umaryland.edu (301)738-6246
US Department of State, James P. Hennessy, Special Programs Manager, Bureau of Diplomatic Security Antiterrorism Assistance Program: P (571) 255-9608 cell (571) 344-4861, hennessyjp@state.gov
The U S Department of State Office of Antiterrorism Assistance conducts Senior Management Crisis Seminar for high level government official international delegations. These seminars include best practices and guidance on crisis management, violent civil disturbance response, incident command systems, critical infrastructure protection, crisis communications, emergency planning and the evacuation and sheltering citizens and refugees. Col. Terry Ebbert was selected to develop training presentations for these senior governmental officials. His unique background in both local, federal and international emergency preparedness and security operations has enabled him to tailor his presentation to the different needs of the represented countries. Recent seminars have been held with Malaysia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Turkey, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Nigeria, India, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Philippines, and Burkina Faso. These range from sheltering needs driven by storms and floods to the needs of a country like Lebanon tasked with sheltering 2 million refugees. The complexity of these issues requires a background of personal experience at all levels of government.
In 2015, EA also hosted a Mexican Oil Delegation for a week of training high level PEMEX and government officials. This was a U.S. State Department-sponsored trip for senior Mexico and PEMEX security and safety officials. They visited Louisiana for an entire week, and their delegation met with multiple agencies including Coast Guard, Shell, LOOP, SPR, GOHSEP, and other regulatory agencies to assess and learn about emergency preparedness, safety and security.
EA traveled to Bulgaria and Tanzania. EA instructors Terry Ebbert and Jerry Tate conducted an assessment, developed a course of instruction and presented the designated training for Senior Bulgarian and Tanzanian officials. This training was designed to enhance the understanding of the United States utilization of an Incident Command System (ICS) and a Unified Command concept. The consideration of these concepts will assist the current government officials to enhance all hazard command and control throughout the country during any emergency situation.
POC- George G. Frederick, DS/T/ATA, TCD Training Delivery Officer, O) 571-226-9687, BB) 571-242-9561
Pipeline Security, Planning, Training and Exercising, Country of Azerbajain
US Department of State, James P. Hennessy, Special Programs Manager, Bureau of Diplomatic Security Antiterrorism Assistance Program
Phone: (571) 255-9608 cell (571) 344-4861, hennessyjp@state.gov
EA was selected by the United States Department of State to conduct a pipeline security training needs, assessment and exercise in Azerbaijan. Based on this assessment EA developed and presented a 40 hour period of instruction, which included a classroom exercise. This assessment presented language, cultural, technological, security and political challenges. Azerbaijan Pipeline Protection Services officers from the rank of Lieutenant to General participated in the assessment and training.
Azerbaijan is strategically located between Iran and Russia and has the major pipeline that traverses multiple types of terrain. They have currently started construction on the world’s largest natural gas pipeline which only adds to the critical aspects of security and emergency preparedness. This project required EA to demonstrate skills as subject matter experts in addition to the background needed to gain confidence and respect of civilian, corporate, military, law enforcement and political agencies.
Northeastern University Global Resilience Institute, Distinguished Senior fellow (April 2018- ongoing)
POC: Dr. Phil Anderson 703.416.3277
Terry Ebbert was appointed to this prestigious position to provide expertise and strategic advice on how to best insure that GRI makes a meaningful contribution towards informing and advancing resilience at the individual, community and societal levels. This includes such areas as homeland security resilience, critical infrastructure protection, review of policies/procedures, information sharing, threat analysis and systems analysis and procedure.
Employee Training and Public Education, Counter Terrorism, Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises (2010-Current)
New Orleans Regional Transit Authority / Veolia Transportation, 2817 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 POC: Derrick Breun, COO, 504.858.6776
EA has provided essential services for the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA), to include annual safety and security training, preparation for 3 major inspections (DOTD, TSA, & FRA), and fully HSEEP compliant drills and exercises. RTA was recognized in 2011 by the TSA with the Gold Standard Award for achieving a perfect score in Safety & Security.
Counter-Terrorism Training / National Incident Management System Training
Since 2010, EA has trained all 550 RTA employees, management and supervisors in the areas basic terrorism awareness, to include assessment and reporting, and appropriate responses to protect employees and passengers. Additionally, all employees received Incident Command System (ICS 100, 200, 700 & 800). Supervisors also received ICS 300 & 400 level training.
Emergency Preparedness Drills and Exercises – In 2011, EA planned, coordinated, conducted, and reviewed two RTA Table Top Exercises which included local police, fire, EMS and other local, state, and federal agencies. More than 150 personnel from 14 different agencies participated. The 2012 exercises included an additional Table Top exercises and a bus and streetcar evacuation functional exercises. In 2013, a Table Top and evacuation drill was conducted prior to the opening of the new Loyola Streetcar line. A table top “Active Shooter” was conducted during December 2014. These exercises were designed to highlight and enhance RTA’s security capabilities, develop partnerships, and gain insights in transportation security issues that could then be shared nationwide.
Public Awareness Campaign – EA developed a public awareness and preparedness program that employed announcements, postings on transit vehicles, and used other media to ensure awareness of heightened alert or threat conditions.
Security Plan Review and Revisions – EA provided a comprehensive review and recommended changes to the RTA Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan (SEPP) that resulted in grade of 100% by the Transportation Security Administration.
Safety Plan Review - EA provided assistance to the RTA in preparation for their Three-Year Safety Review by the Federal Railroad Administration, and the state DOTD.
Operator Personal Safety Training –EA developed and delivered a customized 90-minute hands-on seminar designed to enhance driver awareness, recognition and actions during potentially dangerous situations. In 2014 EA delivered Red Cross Safety, CPR and confined safety training.
Security / Safety Assessment and Security Assessment and Anti-Terroroism training
Veolia /TransDev/Greensboro Transit authority, 223 Meadowview Rd
Greensboro, NC 27406
POC: Burley Wilkins, General Manager 336.374.2950
EA conducted an extensive security and safety assessment and provided recommendations to support DOT requirements. EA’s National Transit Institute certified instructors developed and delivered a 90 minute system security and Anti-Terrorism class to all employees in December 2014.
Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness, Super Bowl XLVII Security Exercises for the City of New Orleans (November 2011-JANUARY 2013)
City of New Orleans, 1300 Perdido St., New Orleans, LA 70112
EA was selected by CRA, (contracted by the State of LA) to develop and execute an exercise program to test the communication and information/intelligence sharing of local, state, and federal agencies in connection with the upcoming 2013 Super Bowl in New Orleans. Tasks included: Initial Planning, Mid-Planning and Final Planning Conference for Table Top Exercise, Scenario development for Table Top Exercise, Development of exercise related materials to include Situation Manuals and Exercise Evaluation Guides, Facilitated a Table Top Exercise, Initial Planning, Mid-Planning and Final Planning Conference for Functional Exercise, Scenario development for Functional Communication Exercise (COMEX), Conducted/evaluated COMEX, Prepared HSEEP compliant After Action Review & Process Improvement Plan for both exercises.
Bp Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Intergovernmental Liaison, Hurricane Planning Support (May 2010-Feb 2011)
BP, POC: Dennis Braaten, dbraaten@bp.com 281-785-4119
During the BP oil spill that devastated the Gulf Coast, EA was contracted by BP to provided critical interface and coordination with local/state/federal and elected officials and first responder agencies on operational and planning issues.
Strategic Planning Support – Provided experts in response and recovery operations that assisted BP and local responders in mitigating the adverse effects of the oil.
Liaison Officers – EA provided LNOs to bridge the gap between local, state and federal authorities and BP officials to assist in understanding the sensitivities involved during the spill.
Interoperable Communications and Hurricane Planning - Assisted in creating and coordinating communications and hurricane planning at federal, state and local levels. This included the difficult command issues of combining OPA 90 and Stafford Act structures to ensure a plan was developed that would allow for continued communications and a rapid departure of personnel and resources to a safe area and allow for a timely re-deployment to return to work as soon as possible.
Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief and Disaster Preparedness, Assessment, Logistics and Training, (HA / DR MATOC), 2014
The Electric On-Ramp (EOR), POC: Jon Schendel, EVP, jon@eorsecurity.com
Ebbert and Associates, in partnership with EOR, was awarded a 3-year MATOC contract for US Southern Command and US Northern Command. This contract provided Humanitarian Assistance / Disaster Relief (HA / DR) throughout Central and South America and Mexico. This includes task orders for relief services and supplies in response to emergencies as well as Disaster Preparedness Assessments, Logistics, and Training requirements. EA completed a yearlong deployment to Grenada with the mission of equipping three Emergency Operations Centers (EOC’s) with state of the art IT and communications systems. Once fully equipped and operating, EA trained and exercised local officials to ensure a “fully operational” emergency capability.
Fluor Federal Pertroleum Operations – Strategic Petroleum Reserve (June 2010 – ONGOING)
DM Petroleum Operations
850 S. Clearview Parkway, New Orleans, LA 70123
POC: Jack Badinger 504.734.4477
EA has been contracted to provide Subject Matter Experts to serve in critical Incident Command System (ICS) positions to augment the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) operations in the event of catastrophic emergencies or other activations. EA provides ICS augments and key personnel and Evaluators and Observers to assist the SPR during the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) Equipment Deployment Exercises. In 2012, EA participated in a SPR annual PREP exercise in these augment roles and provided evaluators and observers to assist in the evaluation.
POC: Jon Young jon@ya4la.org
EA facilitates the DHS “Active Shooter” course designed to enhance survivability of faculty and administrators in the event of an active shooter incident. Additionally, EA provides evaluation of current safety and emergency operations plans for schools.
Booz Allen Hamilton 2015
Brian Mullery, Lead Associate Office 703-377-4649, Mullery_Brian@bah.com
EA served as a subcontractor to BAH providing contractors to respond to FEMA’s Response Directorate for Planning and Technical Assistance Support. EA responded to Philadelphia in 2015 as a Mid-Level Planner for FEMA Region III planning for the Papal visit in 2015. This National Security Special Event was held in three venues: Washington, DC, New York, NY and Philadelphia, PA. FEMA was charged with the Consequence Management component should the need arise, and EA delivered to FEMA the Operations Plan, Consequence Management and the After-Action Report.